Wednesday, October 28, 2009

skull back tattoo

skull back tattoo

Simpsons Halloween Tattoo

Simpsons Halloween Tattoo



Halloween Tattoo

Halloween Arm Tattoo Ideas

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pisces tattoo on arm tattoo picture with black color and fullcolor

pisces tattoo on arm tattoo picture with black color and fullcolorpisces tattoo on arm tattoo picture red and blue color

pisces tattoo on arm tattoo picture with black color and fullcolorpisces tattoo on arm tattoo picture with black color 1

pisces tattoo on arm tattoo picture with black color and fullcolorpisces tattoo on arm tattoo picture with black color 2

tiger art tattoo

tiger art tattoo design in arm

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Fly Like Paper

I've talked about wanting to learn how to fly an airplane, but there's actually one type of plane I can already glide across the sky-- the kind with wings made of paper. While folding a paper plane takes some skill, sending a well-made one soaring across a room requires little or no training. The flights may not always be long nor the landings always pretty, but watching the thin paper momentarily suspended in air always seems just a bit magical.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Taking Flight

A number of years ago, E spotted a chrome model airplane he liked and wanted for our home, but we didn't leave the store with it that day. The next time we returned, I saw the disappointment on E's face as he realized the airplane was gone. He searched for one online to no avail and before long the plane went unmentioned.

Nate Berkus

Months later and a few weeks before Christmas, in a moment of good fortune, I happened upon the silver airplane E had desired; that time, I made sure it left the store in my hands.

Nate Berkus

I am terrible with surprises, and although I desperately wanted to give it to E the moment I got home, I did manage to hold off until Christmas; E's excitement and disbelief when he realized what he was holding made it worth keeping the secret those few weeks.

Castleberry Antiques

While one airplane in a home may be enough, I can't help but covet some of these representations, models, and items made from parts of airplanes.

Installations Antiques

voila! via 1st Dibs

The airplane windows above have been converted into lights, as has the nose of an airplane, as seen in the pendant below left.

L: Ma(i)sonry via 1st Dibs. R: Nicholas Brawer via 1st Dibs.

Pickle Shots!

While I was staying in Atlanta, a good friend/family of Satni and the SKW crew, Lauren Skinner, came to visit from L.A. Santi through a surprise party for her and I got to help set it all up...I love parties! It's too bad the surprise was ruined though... Lauren found out about the party the day before. It was kept hush hush for two weeks, but when Santi sent out a reminder text to everyone the day before, Lauren had her sister's phone in her lap and intercepted the message. So, the surprise was a bust, but the party was still a success. Lauren was excited and quite taken back that there was a party for her. Everyone that came had a super good time!

During the party Lauren's sister Kimmy decided to make pickle shots. I was surprised that there were pickles at Santi's house...since he hates them so. When he heard what was going on he darted out of the kitchen screaming as if someone was running after him with one! How can someone be so afraid of pickles!? They're so yummy! Anyway, I was down for the shot! Let's do it!

A shot glass, tomato juice, vodka and a pickle...there you go! You eat the pickle after the shot. Just like a lime after tequila!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Celtic Zodiac

The Celtic zodiac is a interesting aspect of astrology. It is a druid zodiac. There are Celtic zodiac signs, too just like in approved astrometry and they are bent by what date you were born. Each assurance has assertive characteristics that are accepted to it. The Celtic zodiac deals with the moon and it is divided into 13 altered sections. The signs in the Celtic zodiac are known as tree signs because the druids believed that anybody comes from a tree. There are many things to learn about the Celtic zodiac and the Celtic zodiac signs. Be sure that you find out as much as you can about it afore you start following it so you know what you are searching at. The Celtic zodiac must be studied, especially if you are unfamiliar with the whole Druid existence.

About Celtic Art

Celtic art had three capital functions: decoration, religious symbolism, and depictions of stories. For the a lot of allotment it is absolutely adornment and art for the account of beauty. I now accept that, area acceptation can be assigned, a lot of of the old apologue attributed to Celtic knots either has been absent or is a after development. There is no absolute ancient ascendancy (like the Bible) on the meaning of any of the thousands of designs.

Gluten-Free Apple & Pear Crisp

Easier than pie, a crisp makes a lovely gluten-free dessert.

Tart crisp apples and tender pears are sprinkled with a cinnamon and brown sugar crumble and baked to melt-in-your mouth perfection. This simple gluten-free dessert- worthy of excavation from Karina's Kitchen archives- evokes old fashioned autumnal comfort at its coziest.

Using a gluten-free pancake and baking mix- such as Pamela's Baking and Pancake Mix- makes this treat easy as pie easier than pie to toss together. Celebrate fall and winter with this classic homey dessert.

Continue reading

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Now Boarding

I am completely taken with these vintage airplane boarding passes and luggage tags found at Great Scott Vintage. I love the colors, the fonts, and that they appear to be interesting and unique reminders of the companies they represented, indications of a different era in passenger flight and a stark contrast to the often bland bar-coded or print-at-home boarding passes of today.

Here, here, and here.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Canyon Premiere Video

Here's a sneak peek at last night's premiere of The Canyon at Grauman's Chinese Theater. It was the first time we saw the film on the big screen. In the video- shot by our son Colin aka Slighter, on his iPhone- you can catch a glimpse of Grauman's, Steve, son Alex and Jess, Beth Brunner, lead actress Yvonne Strahovski, director Richard Harrah, and producer Mark Williams. And moi.

An independent film distributed by Truly Indie, The Canyon will have a limited release in six cities, opening in West Hollywood and Denver on October 23; Minneapolis, Dallas, San Francisco and Cambridge, MA on October 30. I hope you get a chance to see it (though if you do not, rumor has it the DVD will have cool special features with behind-the-scenes interviews and deleted scenes).

Fly Me to the Moon

My blogging break has been longer than I intended, although it's gone so quickly! I can't say that things have slowed down for me, nor does it feel like I actually did much "catching up," but I've missed being here and am excited to be back.

I've mentioned before my desire to learn how to fly, so it might not be too surprising that I am excited to see the movie Amelia once it hits theaters this weekend. With flight on my mind, I will be taking a look at planes over the coming days, and because it's Wednesday, I'm starting with these gorgeous wedding-related airfield photos.

Jessica Johnston Photography

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Back to Georgia

After spending two weeks in Texas I was supposed to drive with Kim back to AZ for the Arizona Shootout, a 3 day glamor modeling event in Phoenix. However, how our schedule ended up working out, we would not end up getting there in time to make it to the first day of the event, the meet-n-greet. This is a huge part of the event for me where I make a lot of contacts to work with throughout the year. It is also the night of the clothing swap between all the models which is a big reason I like to attend. I didn't really want to go if I couldn't be there the first day. Plus we would have to drive straight from Dallas to Phoenix in one night, a 14 hour drive, and then work the next morning. I was not looking forward to that. So, I decided not to drive back to AZ with Kimberly. Instead I flew out to Georgia to work with Sleeperkids World again and hang out with all my great Atlanta friends.

panther tribal tattoo

panther tribal tattoo

Angelina with Tribal tattoo

Angelina with Tribal tattoo

tribal dragon tattoo

tribal dragon tattoo

Monday, October 19, 2009

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Waffles and The Canyon

Gluten-free pumpkin waffle goodness.

I haven't been baking much in our dorm-sized sublet. The Barbie scaled toy that pretends it's an oven (my lasagna pan- never mind my cookie sheets- won't fit) is totally, weirdly cattywampus. Pie plates slide to the rear and flip backwards like pancakes. And trying to fetch potatoes that have rolled off the back of the rack is often a futile act proving hazardous to your fingertips. I'm a slow learner. I burned myself twice. But I'm still smiling. For two reasons.

1. We found an apartment we love. I can walk to the beach. And the Santa Monica Farmers Market. And the Third Street theaters and shops and bookstore and cafes. Walk! As in, no car necessary. There isn't room to set up a painting studio (space is but a luxury so close to the beach) but. There is a brand new kitchen. With a shiny spankin' new stove. Virgin territory. Untouched by heinous proteins. This will be my first gluten-free kitchen, ever. We move in November first.

2. Then there is Tuesday. The premiere of The Canyon at Grauman's Chinese Theater. The first time we will see Steve's script on the silver screen. Larger than life. Edited to the director's vision. Am I excited? Of course. Am I nervous? Affirmative. Will it be the movie we dreamed of? Maybe it will and maybe it won't. The one thing I know for sure about movies is that film making is a magical, unpredictable process.

Continue reading

Friday, October 16, 2009




photos: Tony Duran

♥ back from china & my NEW HAIR!!

Helloo ^^
I am back from almost 1 week trip from China.
This trip, again, to focused on shopping.
I likey likey shopping.. hehee ^^

China was GREAT, i went to Guangzhou, a big city around 2-3 hours far from HongKong by train.
i have lived in HK for about 3 years & i have lived in Guangzhou for about 2 years, so i'm already a bit familiar with that 2 city.

ONIC, a blogger friend of mine asked me to compare Bangkok & China for which are the best for shopping.
So I'll put down some points.

Must Visit -> JJ Market, Platinum Mall
Pros (^0^)
- cheap, can bargain normally, some are fixed price or wholesale price but it's already a good deal.
- quality is so-so but some are really good.
- style is up-to-date, fashionable, & fits SE Asians Fashion (esp Indo's & Thai's have a similar sense of fashion).
- they have quite many of individuals or homemade stuffs that are actually really good so it'll be limited & unique in the same time, not only the stuffs from the factories.
- easy transportation (tuktuk,taxi,bus) & they are not expensive at all.
Cons (-_-)
- not much of fake branded bags (chanel,LV).. if there is they are usually expensive or overprice compare to china
- they will take your fake branded bags with no warning in bangkok & replace them with a trash bag. so becareful, it's probably better to bring a normal bag with no brand at all. lol.
- they are quite many rules to follow in bangkok, there will be some certain penalty to pay if fail to do so. examples: strictly no lighting up any naked fire in the market.

Guangzhou, CHINA:
Must Visit -> Leather Market & lots of markets in chinese langauge. email me if you want the list.
Pros (^o^)
- CHINA is the only place to go to buy fake branded bags. it's heaven!!
- the quality is usually pretty good, but be a good eyes!!
- CHINA is the cheapest place to buy probably ANYTHING. be smart & you will have the best deal.
- Bargaining with no limits. if you think that's already cheap, trust me, it can be cheaper! lol.
bring a calculator if you want to bargain. this will make your life easier there.
- transportation is easy to find. taxi is the easiest & not expensive at all.
- not that much rules to follow. lol. unless if you're in HK.
- furniture, gadgets, etc are also a very good deal to buy in china.
Cons (-_-)
- fashion style depends on the seasons. if you are going around winter, you're most likely to find winter clothing.
- the fashion style for clothes is trendy but i personally think that shopping for clothing is trendier in BKK. xD
- they barely can speak english, learn some basic mandarin in order to succes of bargaining. lol.
- you have to be a little bit brave & skillfull to bargain in china because they usually overcharge foreigner more than 50%, unless if you're good at bargaining.
- beware of fake money! they're everywhere & you can't tell!

hope the lists answers some of your curiousity, onic! & also for others.
in my personal experienced opinion though, if you want to focus to buy clothing, shoes, & some accessories for yourself, Bangkok it's probably a better place to go because it's nearer, easier, & i'm sure it's trendier than in china. however, Bangkok is more expensive than in china.
buut if you want to buy hella lots of stuffs & you want to buy some really cool fake branded bags, then china is a perfect place for you. your choice, hun. xD

I, myself, got lots of stuffs in china.
it's almost winter in china so the summer outfits are locked in the warehouse. lol.
i'll show you what i got in another post. xD

Moving on..
I got a new haircut.. lol. Do you like ittt? hate itt?
I'll tell you some stories behind this later~~ hehee ^^
