Sunday, May 31, 2009

Vegan Baking Cheat Sheet

Baking gluten-free and vegan translates to one simple truth that is hard to teach. Because it can only be learned by experience. This one simple truth?

Unlearn everything you think you know- or thought you understood- about baking.

All those mandatory Home Economics classes about kneading bread dough for ten minutes to improve elasticity or leavening a cake with beaten egg whites won't help your inner Betty Crocker to bloom if you're gluten-free and vegan. In fact, clinging to old notions about what works- and what doesn't- might lead you down a rather prickly circuitous path to ruin. Not to mention, your personal Culinary Museum of Failure. But don't let this bare bones truth inhibit you.

In fact, let it free you.

Continue reading

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Removable Tattoo Ink

Removable Ink Not Allowed in Miami Ink Tattoo Shop
by Groshan Fabiola

New York based Freedom-2 Inc. has recently developed a new technology that makes the removal of tattoos much easier. This may come off as good news for those who want the art off their bodies, but for those who value the permanent nature of tattoos see this innovation as a complete insult. Take for example Ana Gonzales, an employee at the featured tattoo shop in TLC's reality series, Miami Ink.

"If you hate your tattoo cover it up but at least you've given the artist the benefit of the doubt," Gonzalez said in a telephone interview from Miami, Florida. Ana Gonzales is a secretary and personal assistant to the tattoo artists who regularly appear on Miami Ink.

"If you're going to get a tattoo, get a tattoo. If you don't, then get henna," she added.
Before and after tattoo laser treatment
Removable Tattoo Ink: Before and After Laser Surgery

Removable ink, the new creation of Freedom-2 Inc., has been the subject of heated discussions at the tattoo shop. Gonzales said that the shop, which was co-owned by tattoo artists Ami James and Chris Nunez, has always been against the use of such technology.

"The reaction has always been 'hell no!'" Gonzales told "We're trying to find ink that will last longer, not less."

Aside from Gonzales, other purists also believe that tattoos are supposed to be treated as a legacy and not as a passing fad. Tattoo artist at Way Cool Tattoos in Toronto, Chris Hall also believes that tattoos are a representation of an individual's life experiences, thus should be permanent, such as the experiences themselves.

"[Removable Ink] is an easy out for people who want to get tattoos as fashion accessories but it takes away from their obligation to take responsibility for their choices," Hall said. "To put it on just to take it off totally misses the point."

Miami Ink features customers who have shared their personal stories and motivations for choosing such tattoos, thus further pushing the fact that they are more than just trendy body art. Even the artists' tattoos have stories hidden beneath the art and are often representations of an important phase or milestone in their lives.

TLC's Miami Ink will come back for a brand new season in the fall.

For more resources about Miami Ink or for the full story about Removable Ink Not Allowed in Miami Ink Tattoo Shop please review this page
Article Source:

Friday, May 29, 2009


my 7th award from Ditty, makasi yah.

  1. Post the award asap
  2. Tag the award to people as many as you like
  3. Mention 5 of your fav blogs with the reason
  4. Mention the person who gives you this award
2. i want to tagg..
Little miss day dream
Shida Aruya
Dwi Amtisari

3. my fav blog..
ahh semuanya favorite kokk. i can't choose to top 5, they're all the cutest xD

4. Ditty, yah si dityymizzlizzy my new friend from bloggers that kind enough to tag me awards.
& she's a beatlemania. xD ♥♥

"The Boys" & the Best Mom in the World

E and I haven't seen our dogs, Itchy and Moose, since Christmas, and it feels like ages. I've said it before, but they really are like our kids. We are "those" people. We look at their photos and sometimes watch videos of them, but nothing suffices for actually having them with us.

And this week has seemed harder than normal. While the photos and videos usually bring comfort along with a longing to see the "boys," this week they seemed to just bring a bit of heartache.

Melanie Acevedo

But that heartache will be remedied for at least a few days-- enter the "Best Mom in the World." After I expressed how terribly much we've been missing them, my super sweet mom decided to drive "the boys" down to our house over the weekend. The drive is not a short one for her; it can take upwards of 10 hours, especially when traveling with the pups in tow.

I know how very lucky I am to have the mom I do.

I can't tell you how very excited and happy E and I are right now! I can't wait to get on the road. Whatever your weekend holds, I hope, like mine, it will be filled with love and joy.

♥ Proses Pasang BEHEL

Alhamdulillah pemasangan behel udah dijalani.
Alhamdulillah gue gak ngerasa sakit apapunn.. prosesnya cepet.
pertama-tama gue di bersihin dulu karang giginya..
terus gigi kelinci depan gue kan ada yg patah & bengkok sedikit, yg itu di tambal ama dokternya biar rataa gigi gue.
abis itu mulai deh dipasangin kawat, tadinya gue mau yg warna baby pink cuman tipe behel gue kan yg crystal safire jadi kawatnya dasarnya bahan transparan, soo gue ganti warna yg shocking pink aja supaya 'keliatan' warnanya. hehee. xD

pokoknya gue bersyukur bgt prosesnya gak sakit sama sekali, dari awal sampai akhir aman.
sariawan juga Alhamdulillah sama sekali gak ada.
tapi proses pemasangan behel buat gigi bawah gue bisanya minggu depan karena pas dibersihin karang giginya gigi gue meradang.. darah kga berhenti2. jadi musti nunggu seminggu.
gakpapa.. dehh.

gigi gue tambah monyong nee~
mudah2an hasilnya giginya cepet masuk biar pede lagi. hehee. ♥♥

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gluten-Free Pizza Flatbread with Roasted Vegetables

Gluten free pizza flatbread recipe
An easy gluten-free pizza flatbread topped with roasted veggies.

I've been offering up picnic food recipes this week because we're eating easy picnic style here in the final countdown phase of leaving for our summer adventure in Los Angeles. Only four remaining stacks of books to box, a tilting fence of wet paintings to frame, and the all important decision of which t-shirts, pots and kitchen power tools to pack stand in the way of our coffee fueled departure early next week.

I am reminded of the opening scene of A Walk on the Moon where Pearl and Lilian Kantrowitz are cramming the family car with colanders and tablecloths and onions and potato peelers. Kitchen stuff for their summer cabin in the Catskills. Such a production this is. Planning ahead for gluten-free snacks on the road (chocolate cupcakes are a must, and popcorn) and an easy microwavable supper for the hotel in Arizona (I'm thinking I'll freeze some of my favorite Mac and Cheese). We still don't have a rental lined up. And the storms knocked out our Internet this week. I'm lucky to be on at all tonight.

So yours truly has been running out of steam by cocktail hour, whipped not only by the attention-to-detail process of organizing two lives and shedding old stuff, but by the monsoon season thunderstorms growling across the Chama River in the afternoons, sending wind and rain and howling coyotes up the mesa. And knocking out our web access.

So forgive me if I have not responded to a comment or a question. I haven't been on-line much. Or participated on Twitter. I've been a total social network slacker stranded out here in the wilds. Cooking up flatbreads and Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies between rinsing out empty shampoo bottles. Thinking of you.

Hoping you're having a wonderful week!

Continue reading

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Real Wedding {Andi & Joe}

I am so excited to share this wedding with you for the first "Real Wedding" here on Under A Paper Moon. Andi and Joe's wedding, as you will see, is classic and elegant with a perfect touch of New Orleans thrown in the mix.

The Couple: Andi and Joe
The City: New Orleans, LA
The Location: French Quarter-- St. Louis Cathedral & Omni Royal Orleans
The Day: December 13, 2008
The Photographer: Chris Williams of Zoeica Images

Getting Ready

A carriage ride through the French Quarter on route to the church.

The breathtaking St. Louis Cathedral

The Ceremony Begins

Off to the reception with a perfect New Orleans tradition- a "Second Line."

The exterior of the Omni Royal Orleans decorated beautifully for the holiday season.

With a New Orleans wedding, surely you were expecting a party... looks like this one did not disappoint!

And, finally, some action on Bourbon Street.

How did you decide where to hold your wedding?

Andi: I always knew that we would get married in New Orleans. It is my hometown, and my favorite city in the world. It also helped that Joe really likes New Orleans as well. It's just the general "feel" of the city... there is such a vibe of happiness and love... and the people are what make the city. It's something hard to explain unless you have visited before.

That being said, I knew that I specifically wanted to get married in the French Quarter. I love the architecture, and we wanted everyone from out-of-town to be able to come to the hotel and walk to everything from there. So, we chose St. Louis Cathedral in Jackson Square as the church and the reception was at the Omni Royal Orleans, which is about 2 blocks away.

What special touches did you incorporate into your wedding day?

Andi: We incorporated some New Orleans touches. We did a traditional Second Line with a brass band from the church to the reception. Everyone in the bridal party had umbrellas, and the wedding guests were given handkerchiefs with our logo for the Second Line.

And, this would only happen in New Orleans, the police blocked off an area outside of the church where a bar had set up tables to hand out drinks, which were "something old" (old-fashioned,) "something new" (mojito,) "something borrowed" (cosmopolitan,) and "something blue" (blue hawaiian.) This started the party off right!

Also, for Joe's groom's cake we did Baked Alaska brought in from Antoine's, which is a traditional New Orleans dessert and Antoine's is the oldest-family run restaurant in the country. Joe loves ice cream cake, so it was a surprise for him. The waiters brought them out with the band and paraded around the ballroom. It was a hit.

Lastly, my "something old" was my Nana's holy medal of the Blessed Mother. We wrapped it around the base of my flowers.

Do you have a favorite memory of the day?

So many! I would have to say it was our vows. I started to cry and TOTALLY had not thought that I would. I remember Joe's smile when my voice broke, and it was priceless. Also, as a while, the recption was a blast! I danced with my Dad to "Ain't No Mountain High Enough," and everyone was clapping along. We had a "routine" :) We also had an after-party at the Bourbon Street Blues Club, and it was great... 8 hours of open bars, so it was naturally New Orleans!

A big "thank you" to Andi and Joe, as well as Zoeica Images, for allowing me to share this gorgeous wedding. There were so many beautiful images, it was difficult to chose which ones to show, but you can see all the images here.

Also, if you missed Andi's bridals portraits earlier today, be sure to take a look at the stunning photos, taken in New York City on a blustery November day.

*Update: Chris wanted to make sure that he credited his second shooter Amy Brassette for her work on this wedding too.


rencananya Jumat ini atau BESOK gue mau pasang
behel atau braces.
sebenernya udah diniatin dari dulu cuman baru sempet sekarang sekalian mumpung liburan sebulan.
udah cek & bikin jadwal ke dokternya kemaren. gue di Klinik Dental Estetika Bintaro di sektor 9. kebetulan deket rumah gue jadi sekalian aja.
rencananya gue mau pasang yg jenis
Crystal Safire, karena bisa diwarnain gue maunya warna baby pink. hahaa.

prosesnya sih katanya..

  1. giginya di rontgen di RS Intl Bintaro.. udh barusan gue kesana bayar Rp.350rb 2x foto.
  2. terus besok dicetak giginya
  3. selanjutnya diliat ada gigi yg mau dicabut gak. kalo ada ya cabut dulu.
  4. truss dibius dengan disuntik boo & baru deh dipasang kawat2nya.. udah lengkap baru ditarik. (katanya proses yg ini sakit bgt yahh?)
gue sebenernya takut bgt..
tapi karena demi kecantikan & kerapihan gigi gue, gue niatin ajaa lahh.
bagi yg udah pasang behel, gue minta info & saran2nya dongg..
sakit gak sih waktu prosesnya, pas nyuntiknya sakit gakk?
terus abis dipasang kerasa gimana?
pokoknya cerita yahh bagi2 pengalaman, pls pls.
soalnya gue mau
nyiapin mental dari sekarang2. biar gak kaget pas hari H nya.


oh yaa karna besok pemasangan behel dimulai jam 9 pagi, jadi gue minta doanya dari kalian semua. semoga pemasangan behel di gigi risya berjalan lancar, baik2 aja, dan sakitnya gak seberapa sakit. AMIN RAKBAL ALAMIN. ♥♥

A Bride in the City

Coming up later today, I am excited to bring you the gorgeous New Orleans wedding of Andi and Joe, but up first, we have Andi's accompanying bridal portraits taken this past November by Chris Williams of Zoeica Images.

Andi had lived in New York City for a number of years, and Joe grew up in the area. Knowing they would eventually leave New York, the place where they were first a couple, Andi thought it seemed a fitting place to take her portraits.

"Eventually" happened much sooner than Andi had expected though, as in January of this year, shortly after their wedding, Andi and Joe moved from the city. These photos will surely serve as a beautiful reminder of this special place in their history.

Also, a hat's off to Andi who braved below freezing temperatures in late November to take these gorgeous photos! Had she not told me, I would never have guessed it was 25 degrees Fahrenheit the day of her photo shoot. What a pro!