Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pagani Zonda R Official Commercial

The Zonda has set more than one record at the race track. It raised the bar for road supercars. Passion, ingenuity, knowledge and craftsmanship created the parts to form an effective and focused package. What more could you want?”

These are the enticing words appearing at the beginning of this beautifully-shot video clip. In the clip is the new supercar Pagani Zonda R. It does not move or even start up. This is something of a commercial trailer for the super track car which was commissioned to Supercarmovies.com by Pagani.

At some point during the clip they show some of the components that make up the R and then progress to other shots demonstrating these parts being screwed together by hand to form a complete package. When it’s done you can’t help but admire the polished finished product.

To get the technical spec of this supercar is powered by a 6.0-litre V12 engine with 552kW (750hp) and peak torque of 710Nm. It comes with a 6-speed sequential gearbox and slick tyres.

Pretty Packages

I've mentioned before that I am a complete sucker for packaging, especially when it comes to making wine selections, but it certainly holds true for food items, ok, pretty much all items, as well. Present me with a product that has a lovely package design, and I will likely want to purchase it.

As I said yesterday, Louise Fili's website is full of beautiful work, and what follows are some of my favorite pieces from their packaging portfolio.

Wings Tribal Tattoo

Wings Tribal Tattoo in Body

Monday, March 30, 2009


There has been a bit of buzz around the blogosphere regarding the new website for Louise Fili Ltd., a firm specializing in the design of restaurant identity and food packaging, and for very good reason-- the website is chock-full of the creative work of this talented firm.

I fell especially hard for this logo for Rusk Renovations, Inc.; the vintage-feeling ruler and typography completely did me in.

I also am head over heels for what looks to have been an amazing issue of the Italian magazine, Un Sedicesimo. The issue was devoted to the Italian and French script typefaces from Louise Fili and Steven Heller's collections, and it looks like it would provide endless inspiration.

Finally, I adore this image from Louise Fili's sneak peek on Design*Sponge. The vintage tin is gorgeous, and I love that it is used to display some of the matchbooks and business cards from restaurants for which they have designed logos.

Stay tuned for more from this accomplished firm, as tomorrow I will be sharing some of my favorite packaging work from their portfolio.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Santa Fe Huevos on Polenta aka Eggs Ranchero

Santa Fe Huevos on Polenta Recipe aka Eggs Ranchero

Huevos rancheros- a traditional Tex-Mex recipe featuring fried eggs, refried beans and salsa on top of warm corn tortillas- is a delicious brunch recipe, no doubt. But I decided to change up tradition. Just because.

Using a roll of pre-made polenta makes this a perfect weeknight supper or a quick and easy Sunday brunch. For the more ambitious cooks out there, stirring polenta from scratch isn't hard, it just requires a little patience. Kinda like motherhood. And meditation. And selling a house. For how to make make polenta from scratch see below.

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Modeling Anniversary

It has been one year since I first started modeling. It's crazy to think that a little over a year ago, if you had told me I was going to be a model, I would ask what kind of hallucinogen you were on. I never saw myself as a model! But now, I can't see myself doing anything else. Last weekend while having dinner with my parents, my mom pulled out the old family photos to show my new boyfriend. Wow, I was such a ham! There are so many pictures of me growing up where I am just a huge cheese for the camera! It's no surprise that child grew up to work behind one!

This past year I have had many wonderful experiences and learned a lot about myself. It's nice to sit back and reflect on it...

Since modeling, I have traveled to 10 states I've never been to before, explored several new cities, met tons of wonderful people, learned numerous things about people, traveling, photography, makeup, & modeling, taken beautiful photos, heard crazy stories, I've challenged myself in ways I never expected to and I've become extremely passionate about what I do!

The first time I modeled, I attended a small shootout event at Harker's Creek in my hometown of Tucson, AZ. There were about a dozen models and a dozen photographers gathered together in an place set up like an old western movie set. The models rotated around all day shooting with the various photographers in exchange for photos. I thought it would be one day of fun and a way to challenge myself to do something out of the ordinary. I thought it would help boost my confidence and I heck, I love pictures, so I've gotta enjoy it.

I remember being so nervous that day. But I rocked it out! Many photographers were asking me what my Model Mayhem and One Model Place profile numbers were. I had no idea what these sites were... When I got pictures back from that event I created profiles on these sites. Within a few days I had a couple of requests for paid jobs! Now this was exciting =)

When I discovered that modeling could be my ticket to travel the country, I fell in love with the job! I've met several models that travel the country and do this as their full-time job. I'm so excited to be one of them! It all started when I joined the girl that took it to the extreme and traveled the country non-stop for two years, Ms. London Andrews. I tagged along on her road trip last summer...which is a great story I'll have to save for another time.

After traveling the country with London, I realized I really love what I do. And I really admire what she did, fully lived the life of a modeling gypsy. No real home but the open road. Crashing in a different home, a different city every few nights...not ever really sure what the next day could hold... sharing some of that experience with her was a kind of freedom I never felt before, she is a friend I never expected to find but am so thrilled that I did. I was at peace with who I was and where I was, unlike I ever had been before. I was happy. I still am. Modeling, traveling, beauty, art, people, life, love, laughter...all good stuff!

So...back to where my story began. One year ago I discovered modeling. My new career began with a photo shoot here in Tucson, AZ at a old western set called Harker's Creek. A few days ago I shot there again with a photographer that was traveling to Arizona from back east for vacation. He was very excited to shoot the "old west" stuff and stated to me in an email that he was looking forward to the "yeehaw" fun! This made me very excited. Most photographers around here are tired and bored of the western theme, so it was nice to shoot with someone who was super excited about it. The shoot was a lot of fun. He just got so excited over the saloon, the jail, and the old graveyard. I thought it was a nice way to celebrate my one year modeling anniversary!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Let the Rain Fall Down

It's dark and stormy outside and opposed to wishing the weather away, I am wishing for a grander location to enjoy such a downpour. This seaside house in Scotland looks like the perfect place to watch an onslaught of wind and rain.

I can imagine watching the waves crash furiously upon the beach from this window seat, a spot that seems made for daydreaming.

The rest of the Blackett House and Estate doesn't look too shabby either...

Also, while I wouldn't actually want to make use of the dogs for hunting, I am thrilled to see that the house comes equipped with Hunt Kennels-- you know of my love for dogs.

Photos Courtesy of Dixcot Locations

Bigger than the time John Lennon suggested that The Beatles were "bigger than Jesus."

On Friday, April 3rd, the next First Friday series art showing will be held in downtown Scranton, Pa. For those of you who do not know what First Friday is, here you go. On the first Friday of every month, art walks are held in Scranton with various local businesses and art galleries as their destinations. The incredible thing about this is the way you can feel the culture of our great city around you. It's a time, in this struggling economy, where you can actually stop, take a look around and say "hey, this place isn't dead after all," despite what so many misguided skeptics may suggest. So, take the night to join us in paying homage to Scranton by enjoying the art that its inhabitants have created and show the naysayers that Scranton is alive and well. We wish to not only invite you to join us this Friday, but to also explore the surrounding art community.

For information about other events visit firstfridayscranton.com

For a closer look at this month's artists visit the artist profile link on the right hand side of the page.

The Electric City Tattoo Gallery will be featuring art by the following artists:

Trevor Coleman

Matt Stygar
Nick Corum

Also, the musical stylings of Mr. Brian Langan

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

{Stolen} Moments- In Cars

We've looked at {Stolen} Moments as part of the Moments series, but this week we're looking at a more specific type of {Stolen} Moment-- those in cars. I love these images; they are sweet and romantic and make me wish that E and I had a photo like these from our wedding day!

Julie & Jay- Jose Villa