Sunday, December 24, 2006

Smoked Salmon and Spinach Goat Cheese Strata

Gluten free strata recipe
A secret ingredient makes this gluten-free strata recipe special.

The day was clear and chilly here by the mesa. Perfect for a pinon fire in the kiva. We lit vanilla candles and played my favorite mix of winter music- traditional Jewish and Celtic with a little Tom Waits, Sarah McLachlan and Joni Mitchell- pining about rivers or snow or waltzing Matilda- thrown in.

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Gluten Free Anniversary #5

One year ago today I was living on Cape Cod, blogging about my fourth gluten-free anniversary and contemplating a bowl of peppermint ice cream for breakfast. I was just getting the hang of this whole blogging thing, wondering if anyone would even be interested in the gluten-free recipes I wanted to share.

This morning I sit typing in my tidy New Mexico casita, sipping a mug of hot chamomile tea- a thousand miles away from one year ago. Dry snowflakes fall on the junipers outside my window. The Old Women Mesa is softened in a tender blanket of white.

Five years gluten-free. It's a milestone. And bittersweet.

I still do not eat out (the risk is too great for me; one speck of gluten and I pay for it all week). And I miss eating out- I miss the romance of it. I miss the spontaneity of exploring new restaurants. I miss travel. The social isolation, the stigma of special needs can feel heavy at times. Celiac disease does not exactly dampen one’s tendency toward introversion. The lingering health issues are discouraging. Forty-seven years eating gluten take their toll. My body continues, even after five years gluten-free, to pay a price from malabsorption.

In many ways my health has dramatically improved. I am free from the most acute symptoms I suffered. And cooking gluten-free has become second nature; it is no longer the massive challenge it felt like in the beginning. New gluten-free choices are emerging, daily, in the marketplace. All good news.

But the best part? Reading your comments and receiving your e-mails, Darlings. It nudges me out of my myopia and gives me a clearer sense of the big picture. I am not alone in this disease. And there are more of us diagnosed every single day.

So here’s to all of us.

Happy gluten-free anniversary! Whether it is one week, six months, or five years, I raise my glass to you.


Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Gluten-Free Bread Machine Tips

I have good news. Especially for those of you living gluten-free. Help has arrived. Breadman now makes a very space-agey retro Jetsons-looking bread machine with- you guessed it- a gluten-free cycle. Fellow bloggers Kalyn and Alanna first alerted me to it, and as soon as I read about it, it went on my Wish List. Soon after it arrived at my door...courtesy of my mother.

First impressions? Gotta love the whole stainless and black look. Very cocina chic. But the big question is: Can this baby bake a decent loaf of bread? Long time readers know I like simplicity (well, that, and I simply have no room in my tiny kitchen for storing eighteen different bags of alternative flours) so I decided to try Pamela's new Amazing Wheat-Free Bread Mix for the Breadman's virgin voyage. It features sorghum and millet flour (and- best of all- it has no bean or soy flours- which I loathe).

First, I'd like to point out a minor complaint- the loaf sports an indent in the bottom from removal of the dough paddle. This gives the center three slices an uneven bottom edge. Solution? I cut these three pieces into triangles and will use them as crouton-toasts for soup- schmeared with pesto. Edit: My new solution is I reach in immediately after the mixing cycle (but before the rising cycle) and pull out the the paddle; then smooth over the top with wet fingers. Beyond the paddle issue- which is shared by many a bread machine- I have no real quibble. The machine delivered.

The attributes I like?

It's fast. The bread was baked in less than 90 minutes. I liked the crust option- you get to choose your crust preference- light, medium, or dark. I chose medium and the crust was delightfully crusty when toasted- something I've missed with gluten-free breads. I love a golden crust.

I sliced ten perfect slices (when the loaf cooled- you must wait, Babycakes, as hard as it is). It's not a huge loaf, obviously. But it is cute and chubby; and the ten square slices will make five perfect sandwiches.

The ends? We cut them up and dipped them into some fruity Napa Valley organic extra virgin olive oil. We licked our lips.

The bread mix.

ordered a case of six from Amazon. I'm planning on making one mix into a pumpernickel by adding cocoa powder and caraway and molasses. And then, Dear Reader, I'm going to try my hand at cinnamon raisin bread. I've missed cinnamon raisin toast.

New Note: Don't need a bread mix? Want to bake your bread from scratch?

I've been experimenting with my own gluten-free bread recipes lately and have come up with my own recipes based on Pamela's mix of sorghum and millet flours.

Try my new favorite Gluten-Free Bread Recipe- works perfectly in this machine on 1.5 pound gluten-free setting.

Try my new ryeless Gluten-Free "Rye" Bread recipe.

Karina's Notes:

Some Readers have had trouble baking 2 lb. baking mixes (like Pamela's) in this Breadman bread machine (though it worked fine for me). So I experimented and found a solution, thanks to those who shared their tips below in Readers Comments. (Some readers have mentioned that the Zojirushi Bread Machine works fine with this mix.)

This machine's Gluten-Free cycle works best with a 1.5 pound loaf. If you make your own flour mix- this is perfect for you. Use recipes for a 1.5 pound loaf and choose the Gluten-Free cycle.

Some bread mixes- such as Pamela's- are a 2 pound loaf size. If you'd like to use a mix like this in this machine, here's what works:

Customize the cycle:

a.) Follow instructions for adding dry and liquid ingredients to the bread pan, assemble your dough ingredients, and snap the pan into place.

b.) Set your loaf size to 2 pounds and choose the Dough cycle.

c.) When the dough has mixed, let it rise for half an hour then choose the Bake cycle.

That's it. It worked beautifully for me.

As with all gluten-free baked goods and breads- remove the loaf from the pan as SOON AS possible. The longer a gluten-free baked good remains in a hot pan, the soggier it gets. It steams.

Please read through the bread discussion below for more tips and ideas- and don't miss the thorough commentary below posted by GF Dad- he's done his bread baking homework and was generous enough to share notes! Thank you, GF Dad!

Other notes- I've used Pamela's Amazing Wheat-Free Bread Mix to make pizza crusts and focaccia style round breads in cake pans, adding a little extra sea salt and Italian herbs, garlic and minced onion to the mix. Delicious!


Monday, December 4, 2006

Nava Atlas- A Cookbook Review

Nava Atlas [one of my favorite vegetarian cookbook authors] was kind enough to send me a copy of
The Vegetarian Family Cookbook. Babycakes, where do I start? This hefty tome is chock full of fresh and fabulous recipes - more than 275, in fact - from breakfasts and snacks to comfort foods, main dishes and desserts.

What do I like? I like that her recipes are doable, and not based on hard-to-find ingredients. In fact, most everything she uses is already in my pantry. I like her tips in the Introduction about being a vegetarian, planning meals for a family, and cooking within a busy schedule. I like that there are vegan options throughout the book (perfect for all you non-dairy and egg-free cooks out there).
Nava's style of cooking reminds me of my own, and her approach to recipes is akin to my own philosophy: use fresh, seasonal ingredients whenever possible, and go for simplicity.  

I'll be inspired for months to come.

For those on gluten-free diets there are lots of tasty sounding recipes that are naturally gluten-free and others that are easily tailored- substituting wheat pasta with brown rice pasta, for instance. Obvious ingredients to avoid on a gluten-free diet include bulgur, barley, cous cous, seitan, flour tortillas and various breads, of course, but I'm guessing any savvy celiac can spot these, and either switch out a safe substitute, or move on to another recipe [and there are plenty] focused on vegetables, fruits, cornmeal, rice and quinoa.

If you're brand spanking new to this whole gluten-free diet thing, you might want to become a little more fluent in cooking gluten-free before you tackle a non-gluten-free cookbook like this, but if you're at all like me, Darling, you prefer to experiment and educate yourself rather than looking to be spoon fed. I personally enjoy [and cook from] a wide assortment and range of cookbooks - and none of them are "gluten-free". 

In fact, Dear Reader, I don't even own a gluten-free cookbook. I haven't found any so far that capture and evoke my personal approach to cooking. I'm more inclined to peruse cookbooks like Nava's, and those by Susan Curtis, Barbara Kafka and Jamie Oliver.

Recipes I'm looking forward to trying? How about her Cabbage, Apple and Raisin Slaw, Scalloped Cauliflower, Skillet Black Beans with Potatoes and Tortillas? Sounds yummy. And I might even be brave enough to try tackling Vegetable Sushi. Stay tuned.

©2005-2010 Karina Allrich. All rights reserved.

Karina's Kitchen Recipes

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Baked Macaroni and Cheese - Gluten-Free

Gluten Free Baked Mac and Cheese recipe from Karina
Gluten-free baked macaroni and cheese - serious comfort food.

Mac and cheese- how I love thee. And not from a box. Give me the good stuff. The real deal. Comfort food. Something worth craving. Something creamy and comforting and crunchy on top with a hint of spicy heat.

This gluten-free macaroni and cheese recipe is based on my pre-celiac go-to cheesy mac favorite with cheddar cheese. I kicked it up with chopped jalapeƱos and crunchy gluten-free bread crumbs. Sweet grape tomatoes. Was it tasty, Darling.

I usually make this dish in a single casserole dish, but last night I spooned it into individual gratin dishes.

Are you GF/CF, dairy-free, or a gluten-free vegan? Don't despair. I am now, too. Find my just as yummy dairy-free recipe for dairy-free Baked Mac and Cheese here.
Or better yet, my vegan cheesy uncheese sauced mac n cheese.

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Monday, November 27, 2006

Sour Cream Blueberry Muffins

Gluten-free blueberry muffins with sour cream.

As promised, here's my latest muffin recipe, using Pamela's Gluten-Free Baking and Pancake Mix. Oy vey, these are good. And so easy. I didn't even get out the mixer; I stirred the batter by hand with my favorite wooden spoon. If you're in the mood for a different berry or fruit, by all means, substitute the blueberries. Whatever makes you happy, Babycakes. Go for it. This batter would cozy up to cranberries, spiced apples, you name it.

And by the way, if you're looking for a dairy-free egg-free blueberry muffin, I've come up with a vegan Brown Sugar Blueberry Muffin recipe you might like.

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Saturday, November 25, 2006

Nachos Fabuloso

Tasty, spicy gluten-free nachos? Si, por favor.

I make nachos with a combo of organic blue and yellow corn chips and lots of jalapenos. It's an unbeatable combination. Is your mouth watering yet? No? You must be made of stone. Seriously. Get thee to a blue corn tortilla chip purveyor lickity split. This easy nachos recipe rocks. I serve it to guests and it disappears faster than you can say Antonio Banderas.

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Friday, November 24, 2006

Spaghetti with White Vegetables and Pine Nuts

In celebration of the first snow- here is a delectable recipe from my vegetarian cookbook, adapted to be gluten-free. Snowy cauliflower and sweet cabbage are accented with the crunch of pine nuts on creamy white rice pasta. Wonderfully delicious.

Spaghetti with White Vegetables and Pine Nuts Recipe

White on white makes an elegant and romantic pasta. The hint of lemon is lovely.

1 pound Tinkyada White Rice Spaghetti
3 tablespoons light olive oil
1 medium sweet onion, peeled, diced
2 cups cauliflower, chopped into small pieces
1/2 head white cabbage, cored, cut and thinly shredded
5 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 cup pine nuts
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
1/4 teaspoon fennel seed
Juice of half a lemon
3-4 tablespoons cream or non-dairy cream

Crumbled fresh goat cheese for garnish

Bring a large pot of fresh salted water to a rolling boil and cook the spaghetti till al dente. Warm up a large pasta serving bowl.

Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large skillet over low-medium heat and gently sautƩ the onion for 5 minutes until soft- don't let them brown too much. Add in the cauliflower, cabbage, garlic, pine nuts, sea salt, ground pepper, and fennel. Squeeze on the lemon juice. SautƩ until the vegetables are tender-crisp and the nuts are toasted. Stir in the cream.

When the pasta is al dente, drain and pour the spaghetti into the warmed pasta bowl, and drizzle a little olive oil on the pasta to moisten it. Toss lightly to coat. Add your white vegetables/nuts mixture and stir to combine.

Serve at the table with a small bowl of fresh crumbled goat cheese, for garnish. A crisp green salad of baby greens is the perfect accent.

Serves 4.

Karina's Notes:

If you don't have pine nuts on hand try slivered almonds or chopped hazelnuts.

A Quiet Day Designing And a Milestone

We had a low-key, quiet Thanksgiving day here in the high desert. No traveling. No guests. No family. One son is back east, in his last year as a Senior RA at college [he is on duty for the holiday weekend] and the other son is working and living in Los Angeles. Both cooked yesterday.

Alex cooked himself up some penne pasta with organic chicken sausage and balsamic peppers. Colin made roasted garlic mashed potatoes to bring to a friend’s [boiling the spuds in his wok because he didn't have a pot]. I instant-messaged with both of them yesterday morning. I missed them, but I also know, Dear Reader, they are where they are supposed to be.

And so I designed instead of cooked. We had a leftover improv last night I can only describe as a humble Mexican inspired enchilada bake. And it hit the spot. We watched our favorite Thanksgiving film, Home for the Holidays, with a fire in the kiva fireplace. We went to bed early.

Yesterday was also a quiet milestone here at [Gluten Free] Goddess. I’ve been blogging for a year.

And so I offer a hearty, delicious goddess thanks to you, fabulous Reader. You are the reason I am here.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Almost Sausalito Cookie Bars

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars Recipe
The nubby chocolate chip landscape of a favorite gluten-free cookie bar.

I ask you. What beats coconut and chocolate in a cookie recipe- especially if they happen to be gluten-free? Coconut and chocolate and macadamia nuts.

Okay, I confess. My all-time favorite cookies in those innocent pre-gluten-free days were not some hoity-toity gourmet bakery confection but those bagged big and bumpy Pepperidge Farm chocolate chunk cookies you could get in any East Coast grocery store. Yup. If memory serves me well, my go-to favorite featured coconut and chocolate. They might have been called Sausalito. Or some such California-evoking moniker.

In our quest to tweak one of our favorite dessert bar recipes this week my cookie-making husband and I came up with a chocolate chip coconut cookie bar that tastes an awful lot like those beloved crunchy-chewy Pepperidge Farm gems. We didn't happen to have any macadamia nuts on hand- but if we did I would have added some to the recipe.

And for those of you who loved dunking those Pepperidge Farm Nantucket Cookies into a glass of ice cold milk- Babycakes, these are dunk worthy.

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Friday, November 10, 2006

'Tis [Almost!] the [Gluten Free] Holiday Season

Sweet Potato Black Bean Vegetarian Enchiladas Recipe for Thanksgiving

Who needs tofurky when you have Sweet Potato Black Bean Enchiladas?

Getting through the holidays gluten-free can be tough. But then, the holidays were always a challenge for me because I was mostly vegetarian for decades (and some of those years were vegan), so, in truth, Gentle Reader, my holiday foods have forever tended to be a tad different from mainstream holiday fare. I learned early on how to tweak traditional recipes and reinvent old favorites- like using coconut milk as a delicious non-dairy sub in whipped sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin pie, and creamy butternut soups. I used broth and roasted garlic in smashed potatoes instead of cream and butter. I have always enjoyed thinking outside the box. And in my vegan years- not once- did I make a turkey out of tofu.

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Monday, November 6, 2006

Gluten-Free Garlic Chicken Lasagna Recipe

Tonight's quintessential New Mexican sky.

After a laid back kick off your boots and chill kind of day we had friends for dinner. Our Santa Fe buddies Joey and Will drove north to our little casita  tucked into the pinon dotted hills near Ojo Caliente. I made a recipe that's an old family favorite- since they've become like family, after all. Sometimes the best family is the family we choose with our heart.

And after all, what family doesn't love a good lasagna?

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Spice Bars

Gluten-free Pumpkin Bars Recipe
Frosted gluten-free pumpkin spice bars- yummalicious.

Pumpkin bars aren't as sexy as say, a fresh raspberry tart, or a chocolate mousse laced with Grand Marnier. In fact, they're rather bake sale pragmatic. They don't exactly inspire passionate prose. But at the end of October, as daylight dwindles and afternoon shadows creep like spiders across the burnished rustle of windswept streets [yes, Darling Babycakes, this is my ode to Hallow's Eve], nothing warms the cockles of a pilgrim soul like the autumnal flavors of cinnamon, brown sugar and pumpkin.

And so, I offer you a new recipe for this deliciously spooky time of year. Bake a batch of these spicy fallish treats, pour yourself a mug of hot apple cider, and watch Tim Burton's classic Halloween movie, Sleepy Hollow, snuggled beneath a cozy throw with someone you love.

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Spaghetti with Artichoke Hearts, Raisins & Pecans

Gluten free pasta with Autumn flavors
Sexy gluten-free pasta for two.

When I learned I had celiac disease, the first thought I lurched into was: Pasta! No more pasta? That was December 2001 and it was a cold, dark day, indeed. I was devastated. I *heart* pasta. I lurve pasta. Just the very thought of pasta perks up my appetite and sparks my desire for saucy food and spicy romance. You know, sultry jazz and candlelight. Spaghetti dripping with garlicky olive oil. Pesto coated penne. Putanesca sauced linguine. Roasted vegetable stuffed lasagna. Creamy shells. The soft reliable comfort of macaroni and cheese.

My pasta love runs deep and true.

No wonder. My husband and I honeymooned in Tuscany, Italy. Talk about love food! Honey Baby, we have been in love- and in love with Italian food- ever since. Why? If it isn't obvious, let me count the ways.

Start with sensuous and fruity extra virgin olive oil. Or the intoxicating mingle of garlic and fresh lemon. Balsamic vinegar drizzled on a roasted peach. The brilliant combo of basil leaves and pine nuts. Soft, creamy globes of mozzarella sliced thin and snuggled in between disks of juicy ripe tomatoes. Crisp white wine and nibbles of salty sweet Parmesan. Oh my.

What's not to love, Dear Reader?

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Garlicky Shrimp and Spinach Bake

Baked rice, spinach and shrimp.

This is one of those way too easy recipes I'll share with you anyway- just because. Just because you might find yourself (as a certain individual did, last night) cranky and hungry- with nothing planned for dinner- poking around the numbing depths of a freezer rooting for sustenance. And there you find it. Inspiration. Shrimp. And spinach.

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Friday, October 20, 2006

Pasta Smothered with Roasted Vegetables

A pan of glorious vegetables and garlic ready for roasting

It's the time of year for roasting. And this sweater-clad goddess couldn't be happier. Roasted vegetables are my favorite comfort food. I love my roasted veggies with unabashed passion. Balsamic vinegar, fruity olive oil and sea salt make for simple, fabulous roasting, complementing the caramelized sweetness of the vegetables with a perfect touch of salty-tart [and darling, who doesn't appreciate a little salty tart?].

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sweet Potato Cornbread- A Gluten-Free Favorite

Fabulous gluten-free cornbread with a secret ingredient...sweet potato
Scrumptious sweet potato cornbread- and it's gluten-free.

It's all about taste. Good taste and bad taste. You want the good first? This recipe for sweet potato cornbread. It rocks. Seriously. The bad? Yesterday we decided to go to the movies with Joey and Will (those two totally fab rockin' guacamole styling hunks). We chose The Departed, Scorsese's new flick (it's been garnering rave reviews); and met at the theater.

Well, Babycakes, in all gut wrenching honesty (I won’t speak for the three men who apparently liked it more than I did) I could barely sit through it. I felt as if I was being beat up. Run over by a Zamboni. I mean how much misogyny and homophobia and execution-style murders can a tenderhearted sensory sensitive girl like me take? 

Not this much it turns out.

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Sunday, October 8, 2006

A Menu, A Meme

Which menu would you serve blogging friends for a welcome dinner upon their first visit to your home? I’ve been tagged for a meme by Garrett of Vanilla Garlic fame. This one could be fun. The premise? To come up with a fantasy menu, of “signature” dishes that you might toss together for an evening entertaining food bloggers. Now there’s a nightmare, er, I mean, dream come true. [Kiss, kiss, Garrett.] Can you tell, already, that I am faint with anxiety? Sweating profusely? Weak kneed? I’m no chef. And there are those among us who can rustle up a flaky tart or crackle a CrĆØme Brule in their sleep. There are those among us who make their own ricotta [Seriously!]. And there are those who entertain with aplomb and have the wit and composure to capture it as a slide show. I’m not one of them.

I’m a home-cooking rustic kinda gal. You know, more peasant food than haute cuisine. More make a dish from dreamy ideas in your head and how about a little of this than ever following a recipe. Or, I’ve got that in the fridge and it’s wilting so I better use it. And then there’s the sometimes harrowing, sometimes happy accident recipe stemming from, I wonder would happen if…

That said, Dear Reader, I’ve decided to embrace what I flat out love. If I have to go down in flames, I’ll go down with my taste buds happy. My menu will be New Mexican. So if you visit, prepare to get hot and bothered.

Karina’s Family Style Menu
for Blogging Conviviality

Frosty Pitchers of Margaritas

Homemade Tortilla-Cheese Crisps and Blue Corn Chips
Fire Roasted Tomato & Tomatillo Salsa
Guacamole with Lime & Garlic
Baked Goat Cheese with Salsa Verde

Mexican Pumpkin Soup with Chipotle

Chicken Mole
Brown Rice Baked with Mild Green Chiles and Pine Nuts

New Mexican Green Chile Smothered Sour Cream Chicken Enchiladas
Sweet Potato & Black Bean Enchiladas [vegetarian]

Los Otros::
Fresh Fruit Salad in Season Drizzled with Vanilla Yogurt Sauce

Coffee Flan
Coconut-Almond Cookie Bars with Mexican Chocolate Sauce

And [if you haven't been tagged yet], I'm tagging::

Brendon of Something in Season
Cookiecrumb of I'm Mad and I Eat
Stephen of Stephen Cooks
Kalyn of Kalyn's Kitchen
Susan of Fatfree Vegan

The meme is open to all, so, Dear Hungry Reader, so if you haven't been tagged yet, and would like to participate, drop on over to The Flying Apple.

Comida buena, Chicas & Chicos!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Squares

Easy, gluten-free yum. Chocolate chip cookie squares.

I needed a chocolate cookie bar recipe STAT. We were invited to coffee at neighbor Joey's this morning. And Babycakes, you don't go empty-handed to such a generous hunky guy's casa, now do you? So I got busy.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Squares Recipe

I'm always experimenting; these little temptations arose from a desire to have a chocolate chip cookie without having to stand there for an hour rolling balls of dough and babysitting batches of baking cookies. I happen to like coconut (and the way it moistens crumbly gluten-free dough) so there is flaked coconut in this recipe. I know. Not very traditional for a chocolate chip cookie dough recipe.

But do we care?

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F [if you live above 5,000 feet, set your oven temp to 375 degrees F]. Lightly oil or line with parchment a 10x13-inch baking pan.

In a mixing bowl, beat together:

3 large free-range organic eggs
1/2 cup safflower oil or Spectrum Organic Shortening
2 teaspoons bourbon vanilla extract

Add in and beat:

1 cup firmly packed organic light brown sugar

Add in and beat:

2 cups Pamela's Ultimate Baking & Pancake Mix* or other self-rising gluten-free baking mix

Stir in:

3/4 cup sweetened flaked coconut*
1 heaping cup semi-sweet chocolate chips, plus more for the top

Using a rubber or silicone spatula, spread the dough evenly in the baking pan. Add extra chips to the top and lightly press into the batter.

Bake on a center rack until the bars are set and golden brown - about 21 to 25 minutes, depending upon your oven and altitude - and do not over-bake - you want them a bit chewy.

Allow the bars to cool on a wire rack before cutting.

Makes 15 to 18 squares.

I wrap the squares in foil when cool, and freeze them in a large zip-lock freezer bag.

Karina's Notes:
  • Make these GF/CF with a dairy-free self-rising flour mix and dairy-free chips.
  • If you do not have Pamela's try using another all-purpose leavened gluten-free baking and pancake mix; or substitute your own personal favorite g-free flour blend and add a teaspoon of baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, and 1/4 teaspoon of xanthan gum or guar gum.
  • If you don't want the chewy texture of flaked coconut but desire the extra moistness it imparts to gluten-free baking, try processing the coconut into a fine crumb.


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Vegetarian Green Chile Recipe

Fresh roasted Hatch green chiles.

Steve brought home two more bags of fresh roasted green chiles, still warm. Hot and spicy Hatch chiles are my favorite. The fragrance is smoky, sweet and spicy all at once. I wish Blogger provided smell-a-vision. I got cookin' and whipped up a vegetarian version of my New Mexico green chile.

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Friday, September 15, 2006

Alex's Favorite Baked Chicken Mediterranean

The view on our evening walk.

There's been a hint of fall in the air. The deep night sky glitters with stars. Mornings are cool, bordering on chilly. I stand outside the portal's edge, in the sand, sipping a mug of yerba mate, and scan the cottonwoods along the bosque below, looking for the tell-tale tinge of gold.

Soon they will be yellow, a golden trail north that snakes along the Chama River. It will be time for stacking pinon to burn in the kivas. I relish the warmth of the cozy fires to come, the evenings spent wrapped in thick sweaters reading, sipping cognac.

And for the first time in years I am not dreading winter.

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